
A Farewell to Facebook

Let me start by saying I love Facebook.  Love it.  I love keeping up with friends and family far and near.  I love seeing sweet baby pictures.  I love hearing good news about upcoming weddings, happy new relationships, exciting job promotions.  But, it is time for Facebook and me to part ways... at least for a little while.

For starters, my self-worth has become too reliant on what I see on Facebook.  Comparing myself to other moms for one thing.  Comparing my kids to other kids.  Wondering why I'm not as crafty as so and so.  Why another child potty trained in a week while it took me a year.  Does it matter?  And why do I care so much how a distant "friend" who I likely wouldn't even go out of my way to say hello to should I see them in the grocery store is raising his or her children?  Teddy said it best (Insert Washington Nationals fan shout-out to Teddy and his end of season winning streak here) "Comparison is the thief of joy." 

Then there's the "like" factor.  Why did no one "like" that?  Wondering was it not clever enough, was I too proud of something inconsequential, did they not look as cute in that picture as I thought?  Enough!  It is crazy how important that little red box can become.

My worth as a mother is found in my children's eyes.  My worth as a wife in the eyes of my husband.  My worth as a human being found in those I come in face-to-face contact with.  Does it matter how witty I am in writing when I am too busy checking Facebook on my phone to have a real life interaction with the man bagging my groceries?  And my worth in all aspects of life, of who I inherently am and who I'm striving to be, should be found in God not a tiny little "thumbs up."

Then there's the relationship aspect.  I will say, Facebook is great for an introvert like me.  No need to make uncomfortable small talk with people as I already know all the basics (and oftentimes more) from what I read of life as told by Facebook.  But how many intentional relationships do I have?  How much planning and effort goes into friendships?  Honestly, not a lot.  I don't often ask people how they're doing because I feel like I "know" based on what I see.  But how many inner struggles do we have that don't go onto the Internet?  That we're waiting for someone to just take a minute and ask.  How deep can my friendships go when they're limited to the surface level of how we present ourselves online?  News flash:  My kids are not cute all the time.  Facebook is a highlight reel and if that's all we know of those around us it is a superficial relationship indeed.

Then there's the time factor.  I think for anyone who uses Facebook that one is pretty self-explanatory.

Let me just say, I'm not judging.  Facebook can be awesome.  This is just me.

You can keep up with us here.  My fabulous children will no doubt continue being fabulous with or without Facebook and I'll try to keep up with blogging all about them. 


Tracy Perry said...

I will miss seeing you on FB but I will definitely keep up with you here! Your kids are all precious and I look forward every day to reading about the cute things they say and their crazy antics! Love you guys!

The Clark's said...

I miss you! Come back :)

Love Amber!